Monday 15 August 2011


OK, this is not TTMIK challenge post. How many days have I skipped posting? Including today, 5! *sigh* I could make excuses or explain here but I won't. I'm not in the mood, really. I feel so tired these days, mentally tired, though I couldn't figure out why.

And I'm good at running away when trouble comes. So let's forget all that and enjoy this video:

High by REI.

The song immediately captured my attention when watching PopsInSeoul on Arirang the other day. They displayed some information about the song when the clip was playing. The song was said to contain a hopeful message of overcoming the difficulties in life and moving forward. Definitely a song I need right now, anyone could help me with the translation, please? Please?

Quick search and asking around on this band, REI, gave nothing at first. It turns out I always searched it with 김정성 instead of 김종성 because I think that was the name I saw on Arirang: REI (김정성). Anyway, once again, the right name is 김종성 and taking a glance at a piece on him here and there, he seems to be a legend. The Korean made him into the list of 50 most influential Kpop artists in one of his blog post.

Another surprise for me is that 김종성 is the one who originally sings the Beautiful Restriction, the song that I like so much and have put the video of it (the international cover version) in this blog twice! Now it's going to be three times!


Thursday 11 August 2011


I just got home 15 minutes ago and it's 2 minutes to midnight. ㅋㅋ

I didn't listen to the podcast attentively today but from pieces I heard here and there, I definitely will listen to it again tomorrow. It's about the clausal connective -는데. I have read about -는데 in my textbook but I haven't quite got a grasp of it. 

So far (big chance I'm wrong here), I love it that what shape the nuance of a sentence could be a connective or a suffix. I'm thinking -는데 and -겠.  I should really look into my native language because for a moment here I could only think of diction or word choice that give effects mostly to the nuance in my language. Or maybe because it's already past midnight and my brain can't work properly!  ㅎㅎ


Wednesday 10 August 2011


지금은 한국어 조금 빢에 못 해..
열심히 공부하고 매일 연습 하면,
언젠가 한국어 잘 하겠어요.

아.. 요즘은 사무실에서 해야 되는 것 많아서
밤에 집에 너무 피곤하고 영화 보는 것만 하고싶어요.


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Monday 8 August 2011

TTMIK30D-8: Ooops..

I didn't post for weekend. ㅋㅋ Ok, it's worse than that. I didn't even listen to the podcast during weekend. So I listen to 3 episodes today.

Level 3 Lesson 16: Let's!

Before this lesson, I mostly use '-자' which I learn from watching variety shows. And after this, I'll revisit some of Big Bang's lyric because I think I saw '-시죠' somewhere. ㅋㅋ Always happy when I find the meaning of suffixes that has made appearance in songs or shows I know~

Level 3 Lesson 17: in order to

Between 위해 and 위해서 I think I'll use 위해서 all the time. I could see 위해서 as '..... 위해요. 그래서 ...' but using only '위해' feels like missing something.

Level 3 Lesson 18: nothing but/only

I have listened to this episode before and it immediately sticks in my head because I made the common mistake mentioned in the podcast. I said something like '한국어 조금만 할 수 있어요' while the right thing is to say like this: '한국어 조금 밖에 못 해요'.

My favorites among a whole bunch of grammar construnctions would be ones that show strong distinction of how Korean expresses something, like today's Noun + 밖에 + negative conjugation. I think the uniqueness of what's natural and what's not in each language is indeed a treasure.


Friday 5 August 2011

TTMIK30D-5: 주말이 와요!

그럼 뭐 할까요?

수영 하러 갈까요?
커피숖에 책을 읽으러 갈까요?
쇼핑 할까요?



Thursday 4 August 2011

TTMIK30D-4: 한국어 잘하고 싶은 여자

Today's podcast (TTMIK level 3 lesson 14) still discuss noun modifying form, this time using action verb and conjugate the verb stem with -는.

.. and I thought -고 싶다 falls into action verb category. But it uses -은 instead (the KLEAR textbook states that it is desirative auxiliary verb, hm.)

.. and when I googled to check this post title, I found that sentences using 잘 have the word paired with the verb without space. 잘하다, 잘하고 싶다. Hm.

내가 몰으는 것 많아서 머리가 아픈데 진짜 재미있어!


Wednesday 3 August 2011

TTMIK30D-3: Adjectives!

Ha! I'm so happy to learn Korean adjectives (TTMIK level 3 lesson 13). It feels like growing a bigger branch on my Korean learning tree. ㅋㅋ

Noun Modifier

After listening to the podcast, as I remembered that I have learned this adjective form in Integrated Korean Beginning 2, I re-checked the book and found on chapter 9: The noun-modifying form [Adj-(으)ㄴ + N]. Then I was lost for a couple of second on why they gave such title. I almost forgot what makes an adjective an adjective.

noun1.Grammar any member of a class of words that in many languages are distinguished in form, as partly in English byhaving comparative and superlative endings, or by functioning as modifiers of nouns, as good, wise, perfect.
  [aj-ik-tiv]  Show IPA (source)

으? 우?

Hyunwoo mentioned on the podcast Seoul people (represented by Kyeong-eun) habit to pronounce 으 as 우. I'm glad that they bring this up. I was wondering about this pronunciation style since watching the international cover of Beautiful Restriction, check out the video at 01:13. Clearly she's not a native Korean but I thought she might pick up the pronunciation from the singer, or she simply mispronounced it, or it's my ears that really don't  listen well.  ㅎㅎ

유재석이 착한 남자예요! ㅋㅋ


Tuesday 2 August 2011

TTMIK30D-2: The Terror of Sample Sentence

오늘은 TTMIK의 레슨3 레벨12 팟캐스트 들었어요. 그래도 어제 문장를 생각 하고있어요.

I learn new conjunction today, 그래도. It went rather smoothly but I can't stop thinking about the sample sentence I made yesterday.

요즘은 호주에 겨울이 와서 발리에는 너무 추워요. 
..the 와서 part. I remember vaguely something how the 아/어/여서 connective must be used to connect clauses that have same subject, which is not the case in my sentence.

After waiting for hours to get to my beloved book (Integrated Korean Beginning 2, level 12 -- I don't have the pleasure of looking into this matter at the office hour *sigh*), my memory of 아/어/여서 grammar structure is refreshed:

  1. Two functions of the 아/어/여서 connective are clausal connective and sequential connective
  2. The clausal connective provides a cause-and effect relationship between 2 events.
  3. The sequential connective can be used to link 2 sequential, tightly related events. 

It turns out the rule that has been disturbing my day only applied to the 아/어/여서 sequential connective. Since I intend to use the connective as the clausal connective, I can now be happy with my sentence... or not!

I doubt the other parts of my sentence and I think there will always be doubt for each of my self-made sentence. I'm still a beginner, there will be mistakes to expect, a lot of them! I have to be patient towards myself and enjoy the learning process.


I think it's been a long time that I truly respect the a process, building something slowly.

I tend to rush when I'm learning something. I blamed it on the gifts whenever I stumbled upon difficulties, saying that it's not for me. I said it louder and louder for every new mistakes I made. Until at the end, I gave it up. How many things have I neglected this way? Japanese, Deutsch, knitting/crochetting, riding a motor bike, driving a car, and so on and so forth! I guess I didn't trust in efforts.

But now I do.

I don't know what's different with learning Korean but it makes me feel like I can befriend mistakes. I forgive myself when I can't master the lesson instantly. I forgive myself when I have to keep getting back to one grammar point over and over again. I forgive myself when I don't remember the meaning of words. I forgive myself for making ugly sentences.

And most important of all, I forgive myself for realizing this so late. ㅋㅋ ㅋ

No white flag! 화이팅!


Monday 1 August 2011

TTMIK30D-1: ㅂ Irregular

The frst episode for my TTMIK 30 days challenge is level 3 - lesson 11 ㅂ irregular.

This is actually my second encounter with ㅂ irregular. I have first read it on Integrated Korean beginning 1 and I'm glad I run into it again. I think this resonates one of Shana's tips for studying Korean grammar structure: don't rely on one grammar book/guide!

Following are points that I missed or incorrectly assumed about this irregularities:

  1. I thought for every suffix, the ㅂ will always be replaced. It turned out only if the suffix starts with vowel.
  2. I thought the ㅂ will always be replaced with 우 (until 돕다 is mentioned)
  3. I thought the verb that ends with ㅂ in their verb stem is always descriptive verb (again, until 돕다 is brought up as an example)

요즘은 호주에 겨울이 와서 발리에는 너무 추워요.


TTMIK 30 Days Challenge!

Matt Cutts, the head of Google's webspam team, inspires me to do this. The rule is simple, choose our own challenge and commit to it for 30 days (well, it depends on the number of days of each month).
Think about something that you always want to add to your life, and try it.. for the next 30 days.
I've known about his 30 days challenge for quite some time and I always want to do it. I set up a challenge before, not talking with one of my best friends for a month, and of course it failed as soon as it started. I don't know what's gotten into me, choosing a foolish challenge like that. ㅎㅎ

Few days ago, I watched Matt Cutts's TED Talk video and it gave me new spirit to start a new challenge, this time more reasonable one. Please check it out, it's only 3 minutes talk. ^^ And here's my challenge:

a TTMIK podcast a day on August 2011!

I've been listening to TTMIK since the beginning of my learning journey but never on regular schedule. Since my textbook came (the KLEAR series), I practically give more attention to the book. I don't see this as a bad  thing but I thought it would do me good if I could make a habit of learning one episode each day.

Instead of the months flying by forgotten, the time is much more memorable (Matt Cutts, on doing 30 days challenge)

And I shall make this memorable. I'll listen to the episode the whole day (I still listen to music though) and note whatever on my head on a blog post. It doesn't have to be spectacular or enlighting, it just has to be there, one per day... for the next 30 days. Wish me luck! ^^

my TTMIK box

재미있을 것 같아..!
