Hi! This is another children story amateur translation by me. I said in the last story translation that I would write a post on what I learned/am questioning about translation but I guess it would have to wait. :P
다람쥐 동산 is the third story in the children book I own, 하느님의 눈물. Please excuse mistakes, wrong choice of words, and weirdness in this translation. In fact, I'd be very happy if you're willing to point them out in the comment. ^^ I thought this story is more difficult to translate than last one. Hm.
아기 다람쥐 똘똘이는 한없이 궁금했습니다. 저어기 산 너머에 정말 도깨비들이 사는 것일까요?
There was this one little squirrel, Smarty, whose curiosity knew no end. Do the devils live across the hill?
"엄마, 정말 저기 고개 너머에 도깨비들이 살아요?"
"그래 그래, 얼굴이 시뻘겋고 이마에 뿔이 돋은 도깨비들이 우글우글 살고 있단다."
"Mom, do the devils live at the top of that hill? "
"Yes, dear. The devils live there. Their faces are red and on their forehead, a horn sprout up."
"난 아무래도 거짓말 같아요. 한 번 가 보고 싶어요."
"큰일 날 소리 또 한다. 고개 너머에 갔다간 살아 돌아오지 못할 테니까 절대로 가면 안 돼요."
엄마 다람쥐는 엄하게 타일렀습니다.
"I think that is a lie. I want to go there just once."
"You said something that will get you into trouble again. There were squirrels who went to the top of that hill and could not return. That's why you should never ever go there, ever."
Mother Squirrel gave him a strict order.
아기 다람쥐 똘똘이는 어쩔 수 없었습니다. 엄마 말씀을 믿니 않고 어쩌겠어요.
Smarty could not do anything about it. He did not believe what his mom said but decided to let it go.
똘똘이는 먼 산봉우리를 바라봅니다. 푸른 숲이 우거지고, 봉우리 위의 하늘이 너무도 맑고 푸르픕니다. 마음 같아서는 단숨에 뛰어가서 보고 싶습니다.
'도깨비들이 살고 있는 너머에도 역시 하늘 밫이 푸른가 봐.'
Smarty gazed into the distant hilltop. The woods were thick and above it the sky was very clear and blue. The squirrel felt the urge to run over there and had a look at it. 'It seems like the sky also shines blue to the devils living over there.'
그날 밤, 똘똘이는 남들에 모두 잠든 사이에 밖으로 나왔습니다. 캄캄한 하늘에 별들이 반짝거리고 있습니다. 때마침 동편에서 달이 두둥실 떠오르고 이씁니다. 똘똘이는 두근거리는 가슴을 손바닥으로 꼭 눌렀습니다.
That night, Smarty sneaked outside while the others were falling asleep. The stars were sparkling in the dark sky. The moon floated on the east side. Smarty's hand pressed again his throbbing chest.
'한 번 살짝 넘겨다보는 건 괜찮을 거야.'
똘똘이는 살금 살금 고갯길을 오르기 시작했습니다.
'I want to look over the hill, just once won't hurt.' Smarty assured himself. He started to climb the uphill path quietly.
고갯길을 거의 올라갔을 때였습니다. 저만큼 앞에서 바스락거리는 소리가 났습니다. 똘똘이는 깜짝 놀라 걸음을 멈추었습니다. 그리고는 앞을 자세히 살펴보았습니다. 마침 달빛이 숲 사이로 환히 비추었기 때문에 앞이 자세히 보였습니다.
Smarty was still walking the uphill path when suddenly he heard a rustling up front. Smarty was startled and stopped his steps immediately. He examined what was ahead of him. Right at that time the moon shone its light brightly through the forest, the front could be seen in detail.
'도깨비가 나와 있는 걸까?'
가슴이 팔딱팔딱 뛰었습니다. 그런데 다섯 발쯤 앞에는 똘똘이만한 아기 다람쥐가 이쪽을 쳐다보고 있었습니다.
'Is that a devil?' His heart jumped out his chest.
About 5 feet in front of Smarty, there was a young squirrel looking in his direction.
"애야, 넌 누구니?"
똘똘이는 가까스로 마음이 놓여 그렇게 물어습니다.
"나, 쫑쫑이라 부른다."
"어다 사니?"
"저쪽 산 너머에 산다."
"Hey, who are you?"
Smarty, whose heart was barely put back in place, asked such question.
"I, they call me Benjy."
"Where do you live?"
"That hill over there."
똘똘이는 질겁을 했습니다. 한참 동안 말이 나오지 않았습니다. 겨우 정신을 차려 다시 물었습니다.
Smarty was frightened. For a long time he couldn't speak at all. After he recovered a bit, he asked another question.
"산 너머엔 도깨비사 없니?"
"어머나! 너도 그렇게 알고 있었니? 나도 우리 엄마 아버지가 이쪽 너머에 무시무시한 도깨비들이 살고 있으니 가지 말라고 했어."
"그건 거지말이야!"
똘똘이는 세차게 고개를 흔들었습니다.
"There's no devil on that hill?"
"Oh my! That's what you've been told, too? Me, too. My mom and dad said that horrible devils live in that hill and forbad me to go there."
"That's a lie!"
Smarty shook his head furiosly.
"이제보니 어른들 모두가 거짓말을 했어."
똘똘이와 쫑쫑이는 어느 새 서로 손을 꼭 잡고 있었습니다.
"Look at this, all the grown up has told us lies."
Before anyone knows, Smarty and Benjy held each other hand.
"내가 저기 고개 올타리에 구멍을 뚫어 놀았으니 함께 가 보자."
"그래 가 보자!"
똘똘이와 쫑쫑이는 그날부터 몰래 밤마다 울타리 구멍으로 고개 너머 이쪽 저쪽으로 오락가락했습니다. 그리고는 동무들에게도 알려 아기 다람쥐들은 예사로이오고 가고 드나들었습니다.
"I made a hole in the fence placed on that hill, let's go see it together."
"Right.. let's see it."
Since that day, Smarty and Benjy came and went through the hole in the fence going here and there night after night. They told their friends and then it became common for many young squirrels to come and go through the fence too.
울타리 구멍은 점점 더 커지고 아기 다람쥐들도 더 많이 몰려다녔습니다. 어른 다람쥐들이 그걸 알게 되었지만 어쩔 수 없었습니다. 더 이상 아기 다람쥐들을 속일 수 없었기 때문입니다.
The hole in the fence got bigger little by little as more and more young squirrels moved around in groups. The adult squirrels became aware of this but there was nothing they could do because the young squirrels could be deceived no more.
아기 다람쥐들은 이젠 밤마다 몰래 오고 가는것이 아니라 대낮에도 떼를 지어 오고 갔습니다.
Now the young squirrels did not need to go in secret at night. They also came and went in group in the middle of the day too.
"엄마, 외 있지도 않는 도깨비들을 있다고 거짓말했어요?"
"그... 글쎄, 너희 아버지가 그러고, 또 다른 어른들 모두가 그러니까 나도 그런 줄 알았지."
"Mom, why did you lie about devil living on the hill when there's actually none of them?"
"That... well, that's what your dad and other grownup squirrels were told and so that's what I was told too."
아기 다람쥐는 엄마 다람쥐를 데리고 고개 너머 쫑쫑이네 엄마 다람쥐에게 놀러갔습니다. 그리고 쫑쫑이네 엄마 다람쥐도 쫑쫑이와 함께 고개 이쪽 똘똘이네 집에 놀러왔습니다.
The young squirrel took his mom going to the hill where Benjy's mom was and Benjy and his mom too came over Smarty's house together to play.
다람쥐 동산은 이제 울타리가 모두 걷히고 평화롭게 서로 오고 갔습니다. 많은 다람쥐들이 결혼도 하고 이사도 하고, 그리고 어려운 일, 즐거운 일을 서로 나누었습니다.
The fence on the hill now had been completely removed and the squirrels lived peacefully with each other in their Squirrel Hill. Many squirrels were getting married and moving and they shared difficult and joyful time together.
똘똘이와 쫑쫑이가 용기를 내어 처음 마난 것을 날 했다고 길이 길이 생각했습니다.
The story about how courage led Smarty and Benjy to their first meeting was forever memorized.
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